Arts & Crafts Magazine
It's no secret that too much of a good thing can be bad for you. My latest addiction (pinterest) is proving problematic... I'm collecting and collating things instead of making them. Whilst other people's ideas are a good thing; I love inspirational images as much as the next person; it's good to reinvent old classics, come up with new takes, be you-nique. The only way to be unique is to experiment, and experimenting means doing.
So then - I love pinterest, but I'm considering a rest... a short hiatus while I get back to being an inventive mother out of necessity and desire, rather than a hoarding collector gatherer. I'll be back; it's far too useful a tool to make instant mood boards which perfectly capture a design intent, making wish lists and even gathering the sources of how-tos for later reference... but that's when I aim to address them; later.
We'll see... In the meantime, I'll keep the dream alive, and keep referring back to the multiple mood boards I've made... feel free to do so too! Or better yet; download some crafty things to CREATE rather than covet!
So then - I love pinterest, but I'm considering a rest... a short hiatus while I get back to being an inventive mother out of necessity and desire, rather than a hoarding collector gatherer. I'll be back; it's far too useful a tool to make instant mood boards which perfectly capture a design intent, making wish lists and even gathering the sources of how-tos for later reference... but that's when I aim to address them; later.
We'll see... In the meantime, I'll keep the dream alive, and keep referring back to the multiple mood boards I've made... feel free to do so too! Or better yet; download some crafty things to CREATE rather than covet!