Lifestyle Magazine

Have a Great Weekend

By Fashiontofood @FashiontoFood

Have a great weekend

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I know. I know. I've been slacking off. Only one post this week but I have a really really great excuse. It's one of the most anticipated weeks all year. My mom and aunt both celebrated their birthdays this week AND it's Mother's day this weekend. I've been busy planning a Champagne & Strawberries party for the wonderful mom's in my life and I can't wait to celebrate with them this weekend. 

Have a great weekend

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With each passing year, I start to realize just how right my mom is about everything... That's right. Everything. All those years when she told me to not stay out late, wear an extra layer of clothes, eat breakfast, exercise more, practice my piano, fold my clothes properly... she was right! All those years when she told me to skip onions and garlic (tsk tsk tsk ... women don't eat that stuff), only kiss tall boys, buy the best of everything, never ever let anyone make you feel stupid,... she was onto something. All those years that she told me to be a domestic goddess but never ever forget about my career... she totally got me! Anyway, I love all the wonderful women in my life who spend countless hours coaching, teaching, guiding me through life everyday... Stay classy Golden Girls! To all my friends who are loving life as mommies and to all the wonderful people who stop by my blog, wishing all your mommies a very happy Mother's Day! 

Have a great weekend

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Have a great weekend

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