Hair & Beauty Magazine

Haul | Boots Trip

By Adelemarie @adele_marie90
Haul | Boots Trip
I had been feeling lately like my foundation just wasn't working for my skin any more so of course that's a good excuse to go shopping... right! So me, my mom and sister popped in to town and I can't go shopping without visiting Boots. I think this trip was the longest I've ever spent in boots, literally we were in there for a good hour and a half to two hours. Now I've just realised I completely forgot to photograph the new foundation I purchased but after spending what felt like an eternity looking at every other foundation in the store I finally settled on the L'Oreal Lumi Magique in R/C/K2 Rose Porcelain.Haul | Boots TripNow I have a confession to make. I've come to the realisation that I've been in denial of how tanned I am and have been lingering on to my summer color for too long and now is the time to embrace my paleness. So I took the time to properly try out each shade and even got second advice from the lovely Smashbox consultant. It costs £10.99 which is in between drugstore prices and high end. I've been wearing it for a couple of weeks so look out for a review soon.Next I headed over to the Smashbox counter as I was looking for a good concealer and had never tried anything from them before. The consultant was so helpful and not at all pushy so I knew her opinion was completely genuine. After sitting down and chatting to her and trying out different products I ended up purchasing the Smashbox Photo Finish Primer Light and Smashbox Camera Ready Full Coverage Concealer.Haul | Boots Trip
She tried out both products and I think I'm going to love them. The primer costs £25.00 and the concealer was £17.00. A bit on the pricey side but I think they are both going to be worth it. Again a full review will be up on the blog soon.Next I had a browse of the Seventeen counter and I picked up the CC Cream after seeing my sister used it and made her skin look flawless. I have yet to try it and I feel it won't look as flawless on me as I suffer from scarring from spots but you don't know until you try right! At the low cost of £6.99 will it be a hit or miss?And finally I had seen a lot of bloggers talking about the 17 Wild Metallic Eyes. Since Maybelline released their Colour Tattoo it seems every other brand is releasing their own versions so since I love the Maybelline ones I thought I'd give this one a go. I got it in Wild Nude which is a champagne taupe color with shimmer. At such an affordable price of £3.99 you can't really go wrong.Have you been on any shopping splurges lately?Instagram / Twitter / Bloglovin'
Haul | Boots Trip

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