Community Magazine

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

By Rubytuesday
It's the 17th of March
St. Patrick's Day
I'm ashamed to admit that I had to ask my mother to remind what St. Patrick's Day is all about
Because you see in this country, to most people, this day means two things
1. Day off work
2. Almighty piss up!!
I'm sure that I did know somewhere in the back of my head what this day means but I needed a little reminder
Basically St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland
And banished all of the snakes
The snakes being a symbol of evil and the Devil
History lesoen over
In my former life I was one of those people heading to the pub today
I was downing pints and knocking back shots and taking whatever was going
Not anymore
Today I got up early and went for a walk with my mom and dogs
I could tell you about about it
Instead here's some photos for your delectation
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Lea enjoying a dip!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Missing shoe!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Mum and me selfie-ing!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!


Happy St. Patrick's Day!
What are you doing today to celebrate?

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