Fashion Magazine

Happy Spring!

By Lifeonthesquares @lifeonthesqs

savannah flowerHappy Spring everyone! If you didn’t know, today marks the first day of the Spring season, and wow am I so excited! This season is my most favorite time in Savannah. The azalea’s are in full bloom, the weather is not yet too hot, and the sun is shining later & later each day. Also, it is the perfect time of year for my favorite attire: white jeans, maxi dresses and sundresses like these jeans, this maxi dress (stunning and just $84.. I want one in every color), or this sundress (perfectly dainty for only $80!).

With this new season, I thought that there is no better time to introduce a new weekly series to my blog: Scenes of Savannah. Afterall, my blog is about life on the squares, so look forward to seeing lovely scenes of Savannah every week. Here is a spring roundup of photos to start the series off right! Happy Spring!

scenes of savannah 1

forsyth fountain spring

savannah horses

savannah benches forsyth

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