My New Years was full of family time, so I’m not going to apologize for not posting.
We had a great night/day. My Mom was awesome and watched Shannon so Mike and I could have a date (SAY WHAT?!) and do some shopping. Shannon was in bed by 8 and Mike and I got all caught up in catching up on Once Upon a Time on Netflix while we waited for the ball to drop. Exciting, huh?

New Year’s Day we bundled up and went off to the barn to see Willow (and she was bug nuts crazy… this cold weather is turning them all into nutballs) then enjoyed more family time. Now it’s back to the grind, but I’m so lucky to have been able to spend the holidays with my favorite people!

I’m not usually one for resolutions. They seem to set me up for failure…but how about looking back on the whirlwind that was 2012!
January- We lost our beloved Wasabi on New Year’s Day. I still miss her, but since Willow was her Momma, I still feel like I have a piece of my dream.

We miss you lady!! <3
February- Shannon was born at 3AM after only 7 hours of start to finish labor. She looks so tiny in these pictures!

March - After much looking around, we decided to give Willow a shot to see if she would fit into our lives.

April- Shannon’s first Easter. We got Dixie. Mike left for SCC.

May - I rode Willow for the first time. Mike came home from SCC.

June – Willow got an abscess. Willow got Lyme. My baby sister graduated high school!

July- We got family pictures done.

August- Mike and I had our first wedding anniversary. Shannon went on her first pony ride.

September- We visited the Shelburne Museum! El bloggo made the switch from blogger to wordpress!

October- Shannon’s first Halloween!

November- Shannon’s first Thanksgiving! Equine Affaire. We (FINALLY) find out that we’re PCSing to Kentucky!!

December – Shannon’s first Christmas! We got Jaxson!