Fashion Magazine

Happy Bump Day

By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas

Little Monkey 13wk sono

Surprise!  Happy Bump Day!

Zack and I are so excited to announce that we have a Little Monkey on the way, expected to arrive on or around September 10th of this year.


Here is a photo from my 13 week sono.  I am now at 14 weeks, and happy to be in the second trimester.  It’s amazing how much detail you can see, and I cannot believe there is a tiny little human growing inside me!

Little Monkey is so photogenic already.  He/She even waved for the camera!  (either that or L.M. was still fist pumping from the Swedish House Mafia concert…or sucking his/her thumb?)  I’m going with L.M. was saying “Hello” and “Happy Birthday” to Dad last week.

It’s been a bit of a crazy adventure so far, and we are both looking forward to what lies ahead…specifically this weekend, I’m thinking my wardrobe needs an update of clothes that actually fit…

Happy Bump Day!



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