(yes I needed to yell that at the top of my lungs).
My handbag is fully stocked at all times and it has saved me from some sticky situations.

My handbag must haves
Coin purse keep those pesky coins in one safe spot means I am not scrounging around the bottom of my bag for change, mine is a trusty Mimco

Store card holder, this saves time when I am scrambling holding a cranky baby but don't want to miss a discount or freebie! Just flip and swipe.. simple (saves valuable wallet space too)
I bought mine from ebay

Wet wipes, these solve a million problems... everything from wiping baby vomit off my shirt to freshening up after the gym
Powder and Lipstick, I don't wear much makeup daily but my handbag essentials are a compact powder and a lipstick to touch up when I am out and about.
Feminine Hygiene Products, for a emergency or for someone else s emergency
Diary, for notes and appointments on the run, mine is from Kikki.k

What are your handbag essentials? xx