Fitness Magazine

Halloween Happenings

By Alyssa_dld @alyssa_dld
I have lots of random thoughts going through my mind today.   Therefore, I will be sharing them with you.
1. Happy Halloween! I hope you get to eat your favorite candy today! I want some Reese's!
2.  My apartment complex has a new unwelcome visitor.  A skunk.  I've seen him at least 5 times.  The last time I saw him was when I pulled into my parking spot and he was just hanging out between my car and the door.  So I had to hang out in my car to he moseyed about 30 ft away.  Then I sprinted to my door.  Thankfully it was raining and so he didn't hear me.
3.  Now every time I leave my apartment I try to look out the window to see if he is there.  I am so afraid of getting sprayed by a skunk!
4. My brother celebrated his 22nd on the 21st of October. Check out this awesome cake my mom and I made him.  (Okay, all I did was write the stuff on top)
Halloween Happenings
Halloween Happenings
5.  I going to sign up today for the Illinois Marathon and Half-Marathon in Champaign before the price increase at midnight.  I can't decide if I should sign up for the marathon or half-marathon.  And I can't believe I am typing this to all the internet, but I am thinking about doing a full Ironman in 2014 and would like to do a full marathon before then.
6. Someone tell me if I should sign up for the marathon.
7.  Okay somebody slap me.  I'm obviously loosing my mind according to number 5.
8.  I made queso dip for my coworkers.  It was really delicious and just a little bit spicy.  I don't think I've ever made queso before.  They think I'm like this really great cook/baker but all I did was throw a bunch of stuff together in a crock pot and loosely followed a recipe.
9.  I made some butternut squash gnocchi from this Iowa Girl Eat's recipe.  The dough was so sticky so I keep adding more and more flour then I ran out of white flour and had to switch to whole wheat.  I guess that's why mine turned out so brown compared to Kristin's bright orange ones?
Halloween Happenings
Regardless, they were still pretty delicious.
10.  This is how you heat up a bun in your car.  Turn on the defrost.
Halloween Happenings
It was nice and toasty after about 5 minutes.
11. Sending my thoughts and prayers to those on the East Coast and everyone affected by Hurricane Sandy.

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