Hair & Beauty Magazine

Hair Care for Color Treated Hair | Utama Spice Argan Oil

By Lipglossaffairs @justsangy
Hair Care for Color Treated Hair | Utama Spice Argan Oil

I have gone Ombré last month for my birthday and ever since I love styling my hair even more. A beautiful Ombré with shades of golden and copper streaks in hair demands a little more styling to show it off. After all it deserves it!

So sometimes straightner and sometimes curler, hair has been getting a lot of attention lately. But it also meant dry and frizzy hair that lacked moisture and shine. No amounts of conditioner helped either.

I have tried serums, shine sprays and moisture kick balms; which unfortunately didn’t give the result I was expecting. In turn a little more of these products on hair, made my situation much worse. Sometimes the hair fell total flat and sometimes hair looked as though it has been slathered in shine serums or probably oil too.

I simply wanted a product which conditions the hair without making it fall flat and something that doesn’t need to be slathered on!!

And then I received Utama Spice Argan Oil.

Hair Care for Color Treated Hair | Utama Spice Argan Oil
Often referred to as liquid gold, this oil is extremely rich in beneficial nutrients, fatty acids and moisturizing properties which make this a perfect product for my color treated hair.How I use – 
  • Damp hair: 2 drops for mid-way length to the ends of the hair
  • After Styling: 1-2 drops
Using this way, I didn’t need any shine serums and/or moisture sprays for my hair; also hair ends have never been better!Here’s what I love about this product –
  • Comes in a easy-to-use bottle with a dropper to dispense the product
  • 2 drops is pretty good for a short-mid length hair, so the product comes for very long time.
  • Conditions even the driest of hair ends
  • Suitable for even color treated hair
  • Adds shine to the hair and doesn’t make it greasy or oily
On a brighter note, using natural oil on hair is any day better than serums and hair sprays!Argan Oil has definitely helped to tame my dry and frizzy hair and add that much lacking shine.So what have you used on your hair recently? Have you tried Argan Oil yet?Buy here - Post -Natural Aromatherapy Products | Utama Spice Bali
Much Love
Hair Care for Color Treated Hair | Utama Spice Argan Oil

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