Life Coach Magazine

Guest Etiquette

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

We all have seen or done guest blog posts before or even hosted them on our own blogs. However, I’ve been very curious about something with Guest posts.

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic /

Is there such a thing as Guest Etiquette?

I mean, we make the rules when we want to allow someone to Guest or Contribute (as I prefer) on our blogs. Whatever your requirements might be, almost always one rule is: You must reply to comments left on your guest post. Right?

But? What does that mean for you? The blog host?

Do you just allow the Guest or Contributor to own their post? You may leave a comment on their post and thank them and/or contribute something of substance to their post but do you also reply along with the each readers comments?

I’ve seen it both ways and am curious…..

Is there such a thing as Guest Etiquette?

Who makes the rules?

Let me share my thoughts.

On my blog, you are a Contributor. A Contributor is one who contributes stories for publication on a blog or website.

When you Contribute on My Girly Parts, it’s YOUR post, just hosted on my blog. Prior to its publishing, I review the content and make sure it’s suitable for my blog. However, the content is YOURS and you are expected to engage with My Girly Parts readers by replying to their comments. This is a Rule on My Girly Parts.

However, being its YOUR post, am I expected to reply to each comment as well?

What are your thoughts and how do you handle Guests or Contributors on you blog?


**BTW, did you know I have a NEW Tumblr account? Come check it out! All Things…Bren Lee!


Publishing Credit:  Image courtesy of imagerymajestic /

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