Politics Magazine

Guess the Quote

Posted on the 05 July 2016 by Calvinthedog

Let’s play guess the quote!

Opposition there was none: the boldest spirits had succumbed on stricken fields or by proscription-lists; while the rest of the nobility found a cheerful acceptance of slavery the smoothest road to wealth and office, and, as they had thriven on revolution, stood now for the new order and safety in preference to the old order and adventure. Nor was the state of affairs unpopular in the provinces, where administration by the Senate and People had been discredited by the feuds of the magnates and the greed of the officials, against which there was but frail protection in a legal system forever deranged by force, by favoritism, or (in the last resort) by gold.

1. Who wrote this? If you are close, that’s ok. He was a very famous writer, I will give you that much.

2. What is the name of the work that this is written in? Any of the author’s works would be ok.

3. Where in the book can this quote be found? Approximate pages ok.

2. Where was this written?

3. When was this written? Approximate times are ok.

4. What language was this originally written in? This is an English translation from another language.

5. What is the writer discussing in this paragraph?

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