Environment Magazine

Greenwashing Digest #1

Posted on the 23 July 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

by μ / Earth First! Newswire

In an effort to bring some humor to a catastrophic global scenario, and to call out all the profiteers of the destruction of our planet, we are pleased to announce the first edition of Greenwashing Digest. Here you will find a collection of the most insipid, ironic, and strange ways that people, corporations, and news outlets flaunt their “green-ness” while covering the tracks of environmental devastation.

1. Guardian Discovers New Way for Yuppie Sport-Bicycling to Save the World

This was in the Guardian’s Environment section??

2. Businesses Realize That Nonprofit Industrial Complex May Be On To Something

Delaware’s new “socially responsible corporations” legislation will lead to “evolution of capitalism.”

    Gov. Jack Markell today joined legislators, entrepreneurs and investors to sign legislation (Senate Bill 47) enabling the formation of public benefit corporations in Delaware.

Gov. Jack Markell today joined legislators, entrepreneurs and investors to sign legislation (Senate Bill 47) enabling the formation of public benefit corporations in Delaware.

3. Non-human Enslavement Never Looked So Good

New designs create illusion of habitat for onlookers, same old shit for the animals.

Carolyn Fuchs designs the cage for a new Komodo Dragon arriving at the Bronx Zoo. Photo Credit -Karsten Moran with The New York Times

Carolyn Fuchs designs the cage for a new Komodo Dragon arriving at the Bronx Zoo. Photo Credit -Karsten Moran with The New York Times

4. Liberal Greenwashing Zealots to Fossil Fuel Industry: “We Want Globalization, Too!”

According to the Guardian, living sustainably is important (unless you’re Al Gore).

Photo credit: Joe Lieberman

Photo credit: Joe Lieberman

(real title of article: “Should Sustainability Professionals Fly Less?”)

5. Global Warming…in Cello Notes

6. Your Daily Fix of Technofix Porn (sponsored by the New York Times)


Plant Vogtle, Necromancer behind Nuclear Renaissance

Never mind atrocious cancer rates in poor neighborhoods, virtually non-existent safety plans, and constantly-rising costs–this new nuclear plant wants to go up in style!

Cenovus, and other Canadian oil-sands companies

After Obama’s demand that the KXL pipeline should not aggravate climate change, the race is on for the best way to pretend that it won’t!

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