(Hinesburg, Vt.) -Opponents of the fracked gas pipeline temporarily seized Vermont Gas Systems (VGS) CEO Don Gilbert’s 251 Sherman Hollow Road property in Hinesburg on Friday evening through what they called “the people’s eminent domain.” They projected Gas Lands a documentary about the dangers of fracking onto the side of Gilbert’s house.
Members of Green Mountain EarthFirst! (GMEF!)- the group who organized the event – said the action was meant to highlight the use of eminent domain threatened by VGS in their construction of the fracked gas pipeline in Addison County. “It is a crime for a foreign corporation to take Vermonters’ land without permission and build a fracked gas pipeline that promotes more fossil-fuel consumption and provides 99% of its fuel to an out-of-state paper company” said a member of GMEF!
Over 60 private landowners along the pipeline route have yet to sign easement agreements proposed by VGS. Vermont Gas announced in early August that they would move forward with seizing land through eminent domain. Despite landowner requests for independent legal counsel, Vermont Gas is offering last-ditch “independent” mediation, paid for and chosen by the company, to convince landowners to sign easements.
Friday night’s action made a mockery of VGS’ solution of hiring an “independent” mediator when GMEF! presented a spokesperson from Rising Tide VT as their “independent” mediator for the evening.. GMEF! served Gilbert a ‘People’s Eminent Domain’ notice stating that his land would become the “People’s Environmental Education Center” for the evening.
GMEF! has been organizing in VT with other groups to prevent the construction of the fracked gas pipeline. The group does not support any construction of fossil-fuel infrastructure and is opposed to the pipeline for many reasons including the adverse impacts of fracking on native lands in Alberta. The largest worldwide scientific consensus says that we must stop burning fossil fuels to prevent catastrophic climate change.
One Green Mountain EarthFirst!er explained: “The eminent domain issue is just one of many issues embedded in the fight for climate justice. It’s about independence from fossil fuels and foreign corporations, it’s about clean water here in VT and in Alberta, and it’s about empowering Vermonters to have control over their future. Above all, it is unacceptable and irresponsible to build new fossil-fuel infrastructure in the face of today’s climate situation.”
For further information about Green Mountain Earthfirst! email [email protected]