Oh dear. All the European ministers worked so hard last week to thrash out a new aid package for Greece, and just one week later, the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has decided to hold a referendum to ask the people of the embattled nation if they should adopt the package. On this news the European Markets have gone into a tailspin, losing 4-5% immediately on the news.

This new development comes as transiting Saturn moving through the Greek 4th house is approaching the Greek natal Uranus, as well as making a square to the Greek natal Moon. Look at the signs associated with these 3 planets of and the placement in the chart and the picture becomes clear. Saturn square to the Moon shows the government (Saturn) asking the people (Moon) about the future of the whole country ( Cancer Ascendant associated with the Moon). The Saturn Uranus conjunction shows through Aquarius (Uranus’ sign) the nature of this question. Aquarius sits on the cusp of the 8th house of other people’s money, in this case other country’s money and also is on the cusp of the 9th house of law-making, hence the referendum. Saturn’s sign Capricorn sits on the cusp of the 7th house, the house of relationships with other countries showing the tough stance being taken by the Greeks.
This is not the end of a troubling period for the Greeks. There will be a confidence vote in the Government at the end of the week (Neptune opposite Mars); Pisces and Aries the ruling signs both affect the Midheaven and 10th house of the way the country is run (not very well) and the people at the top. We also have transiting Aries approaching an opposition with natal Moon/Pluto next year, which does feel very revolutionary and hints at the people taking things into their own hands as well as transiting Pluto which has been opposite Venus, the money planet ploughing ahead to eventually the Greek Saturn conjunct the Ascendant. This aspect could transform the rulership and direction of the whole country. Hold onto your hats in the next two years in Athens, it is going to be a very bumpy ride…