Politics Magazine

Great Video on Race

Posted on the 01 February 2018 by Calvinthedog

This video captures well my true thoughts on Black people and racial tensions around them. The Jubilee Project put this out, even though it is promoting Black Lives Matter, which I consider to be a preposterous movement that I actually oppose because it is ridiculous and even counterproductive.

I don’t get it. Martin Luther King is one of my heroes. Even Malcolm X is. I am able to accept him after he went post-separatist, but even before, his words are powerful. I love James Baldwin. I liked Norman Mailer’s “The White Negro” and Lou Reed’s “I Want to Be Black.” Why do people keep calling me racist? RationalWiki has me listed under Racist Websites. I am really getting tired of this. If even someone with my credentials is still racist, what exactly does it take to not be racist anymore? Do I have to go marry some Black woman or something? It’s so frustrating.

PS I agree with those White people saying that they have racist thoughts sometimes. I do too! I don’t particularly like them though, and like that White guy, I often end up having an internal conversation with myself to talk myself out of them.

But with real deep ghetto/Black culture types, I show no mercy.

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