This video captures well my true thoughts on Black people and racial tensions around them. The Jubilee Project put this out, even though it is promoting Black Lives Matter, which I consider to be a preposterous movement that I actually oppose because it is ridiculous and even counterproductive.
I don’t get it. Martin Luther King is one of my heroes. Even Malcolm X is. I am able to accept him after he went post-separatist, but even before, his words are powerful. I love James Baldwin. I liked Norman Mailer’s “The White Negro” and Lou Reed’s “I Want to Be Black.” Why do people keep calling me racist? RationalWiki has me listed under Racist Websites. I am really getting tired of this. If even someone with my credentials is still racist, what exactly does it take to not be racist anymore? Do I have to go marry some Black woman or something? It’s so frustrating.
PS I agree with those White people saying that they have racist thoughts sometimes. I do too! I don’t particularly like them though, and like that White guy, I often end up having an internal conversation with myself to talk myself out of them.
But with real deep ghetto/Black culture types, I show no mercy.