Politics Magazine

Great Analysis of the Current Populist Rebellion Against the Elites

Posted on the 13 April 2016 by Calvinthedog

Found on the Net in a comment on my article:

Those four all meet with Bilderberg groups and are promised global market expansion once TPP is in place. TPP should be instead used to wipe your own ass with and flushed.

Personally I think the The Powers That Be (TPTB) are shitting themselves because 1st World countries are waking up, going solar, getting electric cars, anti-fossil fuels, anti-MonSatan, anti-bee killing corporations, anti-GMO, anti-MSM, pro-decentralization, pro-cryptocurrency, and pro-open black markets.

So the TPTB are freaking out and basically saying, “Fuck it, let’s bring in super-globalization, hide all the money offshore, ruin all the middle classes everywhere, and Orwell everything we can (cameras everywhere, everything recorded, etc).”

They know we are powerful when united…

I think this analysis is pretty much correct. I dislike some of these more libertarian trends such as cryptocurrency and open black markets as they avoid taxation and I support a powerful socialist state that cares for its citizens via social spending and avoiding taxes simply starves the state of needed funds for these projects.

Have you noticed how the MSM will not say one single word about the bee-killing epidemic other than to say that it is mysterious and we don’t know what it causing it? Sort of like the endless lying about the autism epidemic which is linked in part to mercury in vaccines. That is because the MSM is deeply in bed with the corporations that make the bee-killing pesticides.

The MSM lies about the mercury-autism epidemic and even lies and says that there is no epidemic at all when there surely is because they are deeply in bed with the pharmaceutical companies that make these mercury-filled vaccines. They won’t admit that there is an autism epidemic because if they admit that, then we need to find out what is causing it, and if we start looking into what causes it, then we might start looking at mercury in vaccines, pesticides, herbicides and other areas that the MSM’s corporate buddies do not want looked into.

The corporate media is 100% behind MonSatan and will never say one single word against it despite the fact that MonSatan is trying to take over all of the agriculture of the world and make it so that you cannot grow any crop anywhere with paying MonSatan a yearly fee. The reason the MSM will not say one word against it is because MonSatan is one of the most powerful corporations on Earth and is an essential member of the corporate elite and the Deep States of the world.

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