Food & Drink Magazine

Goulash and Albert the Great

By Veronica46

This Goulash is so hearty and good and easy to make. Hungarian Goulash should not be confused with its cousin. The beef is not ground in this recipe. Everything goes in your slow cooker so it is easy peasy good!

Goulash and Albert the Great

Today is the feast day of Saint Albert the Great. He is known as the saint and doctor of the church. Albert was born before the year 1200. Not a lot is known about this mans family but we know he was well educated and attended the University of Padua. Sometime around 1223 Albert experienced an encounter of the Virgin Mary. He joined the order of the Dominicans and studied Theology.

In 1245 he became the master of Theology under Gueruc of Saint-Quentin. He was the first German Dominican to achieve that title. In 1260 Pope Alexander IV made him Bishop of Regensburg.

Albert became Ill in 1278 and died in 1280. He wrote thirty eight volumes covering astronomy, love and friendship.

Albert was beatified by Pope Gregory XV in 1622. He was canonized by Pope Pius IX in 1931.

Goulash and Albert the Great
Goulash and Albert the Great

Hungarian Goulash



Peace be with you,


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