“There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting". - Buddha
Hi friends! Bree here. It's been a surprising week.
The Law Student texted me after New Year's Day and said, "I hope you had a good new years. No hard feelings but I just don't respond well when people don't answer my calls, and your text did not help". I ignored him. He's 38 and single. Gee, I wonder why?
The Writer came back in town on Wednesday. I was rather surprised to hear from him that day but was delighted to see him. All I can say is that he needs to travel more often. It's a shame that things would not progress further. It's never a good sign when you prefer to close your eyes and pretend he looks like someone hot.
I decided to revisit an online dating site that I have had mixed feelings about. I was intrigued (and a bit mystified) to be contacted by a single guy looking for an "activity partner". What the hell is that exactly? A friend? In keeping with my 2011 resolution to keep trying new things, I decided to respond. He seemed nice enough, a teacher, good grammar and spelling, no pink or red flags. He seemed to enjoy reading, particularly sci-fi. As long as he is not looking for more, that's fine with me.We decided to meet up today at a bookstore. I chose somewhere I don't frequent often and was vaguely halfway between his neighborhood and mine. I dressed rather casually and went easy on the makeup. This was my first genuine "non-date". I actually was 5 minutes late. Those who know me will probably be amazed by that fact. I am almost always 5 to 15 minutes early. He texted me his location and I found him rather easily. He was okay looking, average height, and a bit hairy. I could see his chest hair was almost to his neck (Ick.) He also had a full beard which does nothing for me. So "Activity Partner" and I start chatting. He smiled a lot and was polite. However, one thing that I found extremely disconcerting was his laugh. Dear God! Ever see the 1984 movie, Amadeus? It's a (very) long movie about Mozart. The actor that plays him, Tom Hulce, has one of the craziest laughs ever. It's high pitched, long, and ridiculous. Not sure if there is a YouTube clip of him laughing but it may be something to look up if you haven't heard this laugh. Friggin' "Activity Partner" (or AP) laughed kind of like that. It was so awkward to hear that. Unfortunately for me, I made him laugh- several times, in public. I seriously wished for once in my life that I was not being funny. Of course, that is how things work in my world. When you want something to happen, it doesn't. The reverse is also true. I curse my gift of being accidentally funny.So, we end up walking down a few aisles and end up in- guess where? Yes, sci-fi and fantasy! On a side note, I did look at the Young Adult aisle to see if I could see The Worst Series Ever. Mercifully, it was not there.AP gravitates towards the Star Wars series and shows me a couple books. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. Now, I have absolutely no interest in any series with the word "star" in the title. I don't want to be rude and feign polite interest. I think I mentioned that I fell asleep during the first two movies (the newer ones). I don't remember what his response was.He asked me if I would like some tea. Sure, why not? He made a Star Trek reference about my tea choice. WTF?! He might as well have worn a Trekkie outfit with the word "Nerd" across his chest. It took all my years of etiquette, manners, and drama training not to laugh or to insult him. We end up going outside and he somehow steers the conversation back to Star Wars and the literary world dedicated to it. I don't recall most of it only something about the Rule of Two and a Darth somebody. I'm not sure how long he talked about it but I think I went on autopilot and nodded occasionally.I am so glad I gave him my "alternative" number. (Thanks, Sis, for telling me about Google Voice. You were right.) I had mentioned earlier about "True Blood" and he expressed an interest in watching some episodes with me. Seriously, not going to happen. I thought Mac Guy was a big geek. No, AP makes Mac Guy look cool. Yes, it's that bad.On a different note, my ex Co-Worker texted me while I was work. He apologized for not getting back to me but he was dealing with drama with his ex-wife and ex-girlfriend. I couldn't really talk as my boss and I share an office. The last I heard from him was last night telling me he was leaving work and driving. Haven't heard from him since.I am rather tired of his drama and never knowing when I'll hear from him again or see him. I also have been in touch with a new guy, the Texan. Now, it's still quite early. We've exchanged a few e-mails and he asked for my number. After much deliberation, I e-mailed my real number. I'll just have to wait and see where this will go. This concludes Week 1 of 2012. Let's hope Week 2 is more enjoyable and consistent.Cheers,Bree