Creativity Magazine

Good Listening

By Vickilane


Good Listening
I've been listening to this very excellent, Pulitzer Prize winning novel as I work my way through chores (Liquid Gold on wooden furniture, glass cleaner to remove Jenny's nose marks from the dining room windows, etc., etc.) and as I fall asleep at night.

It's the story of two cousins--one a refugee from Prague--who become noted comic book creators, affording the listener/reader a good look at the comic industry.It's also a story of the last mid-century--Nazism, the avant-garde in NYC, the Kefauver committee and the wars against comic books (and "perverts",) the rise of suburbia, and so much more.Chabon's beautiful prose is used to good effect in tracing the entangled destinies of the cousins and the woman they both, in their different ways, loved. These three characters absolutely grabbed me-- beautifully nuanced and painfully real. As I listened, I savored each sentence while, at the same time, feeling eager for what was coming next. The narrator was excellent, and I highly recommend this audio version.Next up on audio, The Source by Michener. I've read it multiple times but decided to give it a listen--all 54+ hours of it should see me through spring cleaning.  

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