From the comments section, nice stuff. He is right.
The IE people who invaded India did come from Southern Russia bringing the horse, the chariot, the Sanskrit language, the IE religion and Gods and also the swastika symbol , the oldest symbol in the world. The Indian revisionists are trying to change all this by trying to make the Indus Civilization part of the Aryas, people who called themselves noble. One deep and telling difference between the two is that the Indus Civilization, brilliant as it was, is covered in cemeteries, whereas the IE peoples cremated their dead.Also, one other factor is that the Indus Script is not a language or it would have been the national language of India. The introduction of Sanskrit by the IE people overwhelmed India with its different dialects. The problem facing the Indian revisionists is that IVC being in existence for over 5000 years had enough time to make their language the national language of India but it did not happen. Natural earthshaking events, decline of its civilization and the spread of Sanskrit evolving into Hinduism sounded its death knell.
Apparently, the Vedas does not describe the civilization for its a fact that when the IE tribes appeared in India, the IVC had vanished. One other outside factor , is that the mythological pantheon of the IVC does not have the horse or chariot. The Aryas or noble ones did.