Politics Magazine

Goddamn Feminists Are Changing the Dictionary!

Posted on the 16 November 2017 by Calvinthedog

These witches are really starting to get on my nerves. My entire life, I always thought that harass was two words.

In fact, I don’t give a damn how evil it makes me for saying it, but those have always been two of my favorite words in the English language. Harass. The loveliest two words in the English language!

When my mind wandered at work, at home or at play, it often wandered to harass. At night I dreamed of sugar plum fairies and sugar and spice and everything nice and a partridge in a pear tree, but when sweet dreams were not made of this, I dreamed of harass. Harass, harass, and more harass. Whole beaches of harass in tiny bikinis. Fat bottomed girls of harass. A grabass full of harass. On and on harass. Once again harass. Again and again harass. To sleep and wake harass. To live and die harass. To wish upon a star harass.

Now the feminists say this is one word, not two! Bitches! They want to rewrite the damned dictionary! You harridans! Now you’re messing with the OED! You shrikes don’t know you’re messing with, do you? We’ll see you harpies in court! You shrews think you can mess with our damned words now? You ain’t seen nothin, baby! You just wait! We men are coming for our words!

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