I found half a jar of stem ginger that had been lurking around for ages in the fridge, so decided to clear it out and make some use of it.
Ginger biscuits, here we come:
Heat up the oven to about 180 degrees
1. Chop up the stem ginger (I had about 50g, and whizzed it into little bits in my mini chopper: that particular combination of words still makes me grin like a schoolchild!)
2. Put 100g butter, two tablespoons of golden syrup and a tablespoon of sugar in a pan and melt on a low heat.
3. Mix into that about 150g plain flour and a teaspoon of ground ginger. The dough is soft and shiny, but not sticky.
Action mixing shot...
4. Roll into balls and flatten down slightly.
5. Bake for about 12-15 mins until nice and brown.
And the verdict from the family? Well half of them have gone….