Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Gift of Time

By Jenrene

Gift of TimeOne of the greatest gifts we have to offer someone is our time.

Our time is not easily defined. It can be our energy, our friendship, our focus, it could be a time to listen to someone's greatest need.

Time is precious.

I'm a very sentimental person, and everything means something to me. About two weeks go my husband I had a literal reset. we decide to do a "staycation" here in our hometown.

Can I say we really had fun?

It wasn't just the food but the water in the pool was amazing. We're making it a point to pay extra for the indoor pools now . Water is so necessary for de-escalation and rejuvenation when you're stressed.

After spending two nights away... we came back home and my husband had to make a decision that seemed like the power was in someone else's power to make. He made the decision after thinking quite clearly and in a less-stressed mentality, and by golly- he figured it out!

Before we actually went on vacation let me tell you ...this was the hardest decision to make!

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