Diet & Weight Magazine

Get More Sleep And Learn How To Reduce Tummy Fat

By Bellyfatformula @fatbellyblog
How To Reduce Tummy Fat

How To Reduce Tummy Fat

Are you struggling to get 8 hours uninterrupted sleep each night?  Is disrupted sleep making you cranky and tired?  Is it seemingly impossible to stick to your diet or healthy eating plans?  Are you struggling with how to reduce tummy fat?

If your answer to the above questions is YES then there is probably good reason you are unable to get rid of excess tummy fat.  Chances are it has nothing to do with your application, or even your willpower.  It is possible that a lack of sleep is to blame.

How so?
Well, researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have demonstrated that after a poor nights sleep a number of key changes can occur in your body.

What sort of changes?
First, the hormone that controls your appetite is impaired.  Accompanying this is an emotional stress level that is significantly higher.  Next up… your impulse control is also affected and finally, people crave calories to compensate for a lack of energy.

Its reasonably easy to see that ongoing issues with your sleep patterns could have an impact on your belly fat levels.  If you want to know how to reduce tummy fat… get a good nights sleep!

So how do you ensure a good nights sleep?  Here are a few tips on on how to get a better nights sleep.

Sleep and wake at same time
Are your bed time and rise and shine timing consistent?  A key to a good night is getting into a regular rhythm with your sleep.  Your bodies internal clock will thank you for it.  A good guide on whether you are getting enough sleep is if you can wake without the need for your alarm clock blaring.

Take a nap when you need it
A nap can be just what you need in the middle of the day to boost your energy levels, especially if you have had a tiring start to the day.  But remember, keep it short.  No longer than 30 odd minutes, otherwise you will find it could disrupt your nightly sleep… and you are back at square one.

Don’t get drowsy
Its easy to find yourself drowsy when you are sitting about, particularly if you have just had a big evening meal.  Don’t give in to it.  Get up out of your chair and go and do something active. You don’t want to be wide awake come bedtime.

Avoid late night TV
A bunch of people turn to TV to relax in the evening.  The problem… many programs can actually be stimulating not relaxing.  Perhaps try relaxing with some music or a good book instead.  Record your favorite program and watch it tomorrow.

Make sure your room is dark
The darker your room the better you will sleep.  Hopefully your curtains are thick and block any light.  If not a mask (while looking a bit silly) might help improve your night.

Regular exercise is a must
Hopefully I don’t need to convince you on this one.  Regular exercise is crucial as it will not only help you sleep better but it will also make you feel less sleepy throughout the day.  Just don’t do it just before bedtime.Are you struggling to get 8 hours uninterrupted sleep each night?  Is disrupted sleep making you cranky and tired?  Is it seemingly impossible to stick to your diet or healthy eating plans?  Are you struggling with how to reduce tummy fat?

If your answer to the above questions is YES then there is probably good reason you are unable to get rid of excess tummy fat.  Chances are it has nothing to do with your application, or even your willpower.  It is possible that a lack of sleep is to blame.

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