Politics Magazine

George Michael Was Not Really Gay: He Was Actually a Strong Bisexual

Posted on the 08 January 2017 by Calvinthedog


A husky hairy-faced man high on crack and lurking in public toilets trying to get you to suck his penis.

I think effeminate gays are more palatable.

The police officer who arrested George Michael later tried to sue for “emotional damage” as a result of George high off his head on crack cocaine shoving his head into his crotch in a public toilet.

That is scary.

George Michael was not really gay. He was a very strong bisexual. He was very turned on by women his entire life. He was also very turned on by men. He was more gay-romantic than anything else. As a prepubertal boy, he was girl-crazy. Around the time of puberty, somehow he got very turned on by boys also. The high attraction to females never went away. But soon after puberty, he realized that he could only fall in love with a man.

He slept with quite a few beautiful women for a while there in early adulthood and he loved it. He told the women that he was into guys too, but after a while, it all just felt too dishonest and he felt like he was screwing the women over psychologically somehow, so he quit having sex with them. But he retained a high attraction to women his entire life. I would have liked to have interviewed the guy as I have a big interest in sexual orientation stuff. The commenter above seems to imply that Michael was rather masculine for a gay men, which makes sense to me. The more into a women a gay man is, the more masculine he acts. The more exclusively gay he is, the more effeminate he acts.

My scale:

100-0: Maximum heterosexual, minimum homosexual
90-10: Maximum heterosexual, incidental homosexual
80-20: Maximum heterosexual, significant homosexual
70-30: Maximum heterosexual, strong homosexual
60-40: Maximum heterosexual, very strong strong homosexual
50-50: Maximum heterosexual, maximal homosexual
40-60: Maximum homosexual, very strong heterosexual
30-70: Maximum homosexual, strong heterosexual
20-80: Maximum homosexual, significant heterosexual
10-90: Maximum homosexual, incidental heterosexual
0-100: Maximum homosexual, minimal heterosexual

I haven’t the faintest idea where he would be on this chart. I doubt if he was more turned on by women than he was by men. I would say anywhere from a 30-70 to a 50-50. Gay leaning strong bisexuals (30-70 to 40-60’s make up fully 1/3 of all men who lean gay, so it appears there are quite a few men like that. I think maybe 2% of the male population is a gay leaning strong bisexual. It’s an interesting group of men and I would like to see more work done on them. Pure bisexual men are quite rare – only 1% of the male population is this way. Almost all men with a bisexual orientation at all lean one way or the other, typically strongly in that direction. Men either lean heavily gay or lean heavily gay; they do not seem to do the middle ground  stuff very well. Why this is is unknown.

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