Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

George Clooney – Suave, Sophisticated and Independent.

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

George Clooney

It’s film awards time of the years again and in the mix to pick up awards as best actor and director this year at the BAFTA awards in London and at the Oscars in Los Angeles is George Clooney. His films “The Descendants” where he takes the lead role and “The Ides of March” where he not only directs but also stars have garnered him critical acclaim this year and he should picks up a fair amount of nominations for them.

GeorgeClooney natal

George was born on 6th May 1961 in Lexington, Kentucky in the US at 2.58am. He is a sun sign Taurean with an ambitious Capricorn Moon and a creative Pisces ascendant. This is a chart which is very down to earth and practical with 5 planets in earth signs and also also rather stubborn in nature with 6 fixed planets. George born under the sign of the bull is someone who definitely will not be moved if he doesn’t want to move!! The combination of Sun and Moon shows someone who has ambition at heart. Taurus loves to build, to make and create and Capricorn shows huge ambition. The administrative side of the Capricorn Moon shines through in George not being satisfied in just being an actor, but also wanting to be a producer and director of films too. As you can see, George wants his cake and will want to eat it too.

The Taurean Sun is ruled by Venus, and Venus is by far the most dominant planet on this chart. The reason is that Venus sits in the first house alone unconnected to any other planet – it is peregrine. So we have a Taurean Sun coloured by a first house Venus. Venus in the first house is very self-aware, and in Aries very narcissistic. Lets be straight, George loves himself. No too ways about it, here is someone who actively cares about his appearance and how he portrays himself. Venus is associated with beauty and Taurus is the most earthy sensual sign. George is a good looking guy due to the stars he inherited at his birth, and he uses that handsome appearance to the full. Ok he is good looking, but why do women fall swoon over him? I think it is because of his Pisces ascendant. Pisces is elusive and untouchable, and that slightly evasive and sensitive air combined with the sensuality of Taurus is a potent cocktail that a lot of women just cannot resist.

The Sun sits with Mercury in George’s 2nd house, opposite to Neptune and square to Uranus. George is a typical Taurus with the Taurean Sun in it’s own house. Steady, patient, very possessive and loyal, George will like the good life and be very careful to look after his possessions. This is a man who financially will be very switched on, and will be talented at making money. He will want a comfortable lifestyle and acting has provided this. The opposition to Neptune, the planet ruling creative ventures TV music and film bring a softness and compassionate side complementing the Pisces ascendant. George is a sensitive soul and his preferred roles will revolve around relationships (echoing Venus’ need to relate) or ones where psychological drama is called for. Neptune is in dark secretive Scorpio in the hidden 8th house sextile to Pluto; anything unusual, deceptive or beneath the surface will appeal to his nature.

The Sun and Mercury’s square to Uranus shows that George does have a creative mind, will have a sharp sense of humor and will love a practical joke. It also shows him to stand out from the crowd and instils in him great independence. If you want to know why George is single, here is the reason. George’s 7th house has Virgo on the cusp ruled by Mercury. This Mercury is squared by independent Uranus, meaning that George loves a free life and hates to be tied down. If he does get into a relationship a critical streak will come out, which will tend to bring even more problems. These issues go back to George’s childhood. From the chart I know that George’s childhood would have been disturbing to him. His mother represented by the Moon is in conjunction with harsh Saturn and receives an opposition from Mars; his mother would have been quite strict and authoritarian. The Sun representing his father of course receives that square from Uranus indicating he was rather independent, a bit of a rebel, possibly away from home for periods of time. Both the rulers of the parental axis (across 4th/10th house) Mercury and Jupiter have stressful connections to them and the rulers of 2nd house of self-worth (Mars), 5th of giving love (Moon), 7th of relationships (Mercury) and 11th of received love (Saturn) are all under stress. From youth, George would have had hang ups about his confidence and being in relationships. These obviously translated into adult life, and are represented in the fact that after George did get married back in 1989 for 4 years, the disappointment of the breakdown compelled him to vow never to marry again. Here are the fears of losing his independence (echoing his father) and maybe a conditioning of how he saw women, seen through the experiences he had with his mother.

Of course, George still has had a string of girlfriends and one of the needs in his life is the need to be loved and adored. Saturn sits with the Moon in the 11th house of received love and shows a desperate need for attention. George will put himself in a position where people will show love to him, he feels comfortable when people are showering praise on him, with him it will be an addictive feeling and is one reason why I think he will continue to make films for as long as he can. This guy is a workaholic, shown by Pluto sitting in his 6th house opposite his Pisces ascendant. Here is a great need for power, control and recognition in his daily work life.

Mars in the 5th in Leo shows a gambler’s instinct, and a love of being in the spotlight. He craves attention and loves being the best at what he does, acting. Mars in the creative 5th house shows great drive and the opposition to the Capricorn Moon and Saturn shows a desire not only to create but to administer the creative process, through direction of films. Mars in the 5th also brings a love of sport and competition, George for sure has a will to win inside him.

George is known for his generosity to charitable causes, and was synonymous with the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, indeed he made a film  “Darfur” to highlights the situation there. Jupiter in the 12th house, quindecile to kind and compassionate Uranus in the 6th house of health shows such a real desire to help those in suffering, and George will continue to use his influence in helping those who need it most.

GeorgeClooney transits

Looking at the planets against his natal chart, George has had a good year and his work especially in the “The Dependents” has been praised for being some of his best so far, however I think that he has a only a slim chance to win this year at the BAFTA and Oscar awards this year.  At the Oscars he is nominated for best actor in “The Descendants” and best adapted screenplay for “The Ides of March”. On the night (above) transiting Saturn is square his Moon and Saturn conjunction, and square to his  natal Mars, which suggests a career progression although the Moon connection does suggest possible a little disappointment. The transiting Nodal axis will be square his ascendant which is also a little downbeat in nature. Funnily, with his progressed Moon in conjunction with his Midheaven, 2013 may provide a better chance for George to pick up a major award than in this year.

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