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If you’re a Canadian under the age of 30, odds are you’re not reading a physical newspaper every morning or sitting down each night to watch the six o’clock news — but that doesn’t mean you’re not paying attention to the world around you.
Perhaps the ways you encounter information are a little less predictable, a little more serendipitous, than the ways your parents did when they were your age.
But a lot has changed since then.
Young people today have an unprecedented amount of access to information from around the world. It comes at us constantly from a multitude of sources. In this fast-paced and ever-changing digital landscape, it’s easy to miss stories that are interesting, informative or useful.
Let’s find the best stories, together
Your peers at CBC News (self included!) are news junkies by profession, which means that we’re in a good position to keep watch for what’s new and notable. Like staff at a bookstore, we know our collection well and can help you find the best of it.
But we also know that you bring fresh perspectives to our news coverage, and may have different ideas about what should be at the top of our agenda. We really want to know which stories interest, enrage, excite or engage you.
That’s why we’ve launched Generation Why, a weekly interactive magazine curated by young Canadians for young Canadians.
Each week, readers under the age of 30 and young staffers collaborate to highlight the best content that CBC news and current affairs programming has to offer.
Here are some example spreads:
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Our goal is not to talk at you, but with you.
The CBC audience is filled with sharp minds and great taste. It would be a shame not to collaborate and learn about which issues and ideas matter most to you.
How to become a contributor
To contribute follow these three steps.
Step 1: Choose one news or current affairs item from the preceding week that you think would appeal to, affect, or engage students and young adults in Canada.
Your item can be a story, a standout radio or TV interview, a documentary, a photo gallery, an interactive map, etc. As long as it’s CBC content we can link to online, it’s an option! (If it’s not online but should be, you can flag it for us, too. We’ll see what we can do.)
Step 2: Write a couple paragraphs (150 words max) about why this news item caught your attention and why you think other young Canadians might be interested, too.
Please feel free to write in your own voice and be conversational – the way you are when recommending links to your friends on Facebook, for example.
Step 3: Send us your write up and a link to your item, as well as your name, location and a photo of you. You can email your entry to [email protected] with the subject line “Generation Why” or upload your submission to our member pages.
Would you like to design a cover?
We are also interested in hearing from talented young artists and photographers who would like to have their work featured on the cover of the magazine. Please email [email protected] for more information.
The deadline for written submissions is Friday at 12:00 p.m. ET every week.
The magazine goes live Friday night, and is featured on the CBCNews.ca landing page every Saturday.
The format isn’t set in stone, either. We’ll be taking your feedback and suggestions on how to make it a reliable digest of the best CBCNews.ca has to offer from a youth perspective. This Monday, in fact, we’re having our very first open editorial meeting!
We thank you in advance for helping us build this resource.
- Fabiola Carletti and Lauren O’Neil
Members of the CBC Community team and ever-curious twenty-somethings