According to this article it was time to harvest the Garlic from Bed 3.
1313g of Purple Monaro Garlic
1389g of SA White Garlic
It is now drying in the sun for couple of days then it will be moved to a shaded airy place to complete the curing process.
The biggest bulb of each type will be saved for next planting next March.
This was an early planting experiment that saw the cloves (from 2 bulbs of garlic) planted into a Wicking Bed back on March 21st 2011.
The Monaro Purple cloves came from a huge bulb that my friend grew from the ones I bought from Eden Seeds in 2010. I gave her some to plant in case mine didn't grow well!
The SA White Bulb came from an organic market. It was the biggest of the ones I bought.
The early planting allowed them time to put on growth before the cold winter weather set in and now they have been harvested before the heat arrives!
It worked in my climate.