I’ve been flirting with and touching women against their will (without prior permission) my whole life.
According to the new definition, I have committed sexual harassment many times. That is, I have committed unwanted sexual advances. In fact, I have committed some unwanted sexual advances (sexual harassment by definition) just recently. Ask me if I care.
How on Earth are you supposed to get laid or even date unless you commit unwanted sexual advances? A sexual advance is broadly flirtation. You can’t read women’s minds, so while a lot of your advances might go over well, it’s guaranteed that quite a few won’t. So if you don’t commit sexual harassment, you will die a virgin.
Unwanted sexual advances are not a problem. Sexual harassment means the behavior is repeated, and the female has told the male over and over to stop the advances. but he keeps doing it anyway. That’s sexual harassment. Everything else is just flirting.
Furthermore, I have committed quite a few sexual assaults in my life. If you touch a woman without her permission and she doesn’t like it, it’s sexual assault. Well, of course I have done this many times, mostly on dates or when I was alone with some woman.
Every time you go on a date, you risk sexual assault by merely touching women without obtaining prior consent. Every time you touch her without her consent, you commit sexual assault. However, if she likes it, then it’s not assault anymore. It’s only assault if she doesn’t like it.
If you are mild and gentle about about touching females as I usually am, she shouldn’t be too outraged.
But if she keeps knocking your hand away, maybe it’s time to stop.
I would like to point out one other thing. If you are on a date with a female, and she’s knocking your hand away or turning away from your attempted kisses, this is a very bad sign. If she likes you at all, she will kiss you back and be happy that you are touching her.
Males have this idea that if they just keep grabbing at her over and over, eventually she’s going to cave in. In my experience, it doesn’t work that way. Once she starts batting your hand away like that, you can touch her two, three, five, or 50 more times, and she will just keep pushing your hand away while getting increasingly angry. My experience has been that you won’t eventually break her by continuing to touch her. It doesn’t work that way. So if she’s batting your hand away, quit touching her.
And furthermore, the date is a dud that’s not going anywhere. After the date is over, don’t call her back. There’s no need for a second date. If she’s that cold on the first date, she won’t warm up on subsequent dates.
I would add that if a female likes you but thinks you are going too fast, she will let you know by smiling and telling you in various ways that she really likes you, but you are going too fast.
Some masked or cryptic conversation or subtle nonverbal behavior follows in which she let’s you know what’s up sexually. Maybe she will have sex on the 3rd or 4th date. Maybe on the 6th or 7th. There will be a conversation about this because she doesn’t want to lose you. If there’s no sex after six or seven dates, just get rid of her unless you like to go slow like this. For the record, I usually engage in some sort of sexual behavior, even if it’s only just a make-out session, on the very first date. And I am often a sex on the first date type guy.
If I became famous, I doubt if one woman would come forward and accuse me of physical sexual assault-type stuff, which is what Trump is being accused of. I’m not a sexually aggro type of guy like he is. I haven’t left a trail of furious, aggrieved, and violated females in my wake like he has. If you are leaving a string of enraged, despondent, injured, and trespassed women in your wake, in my opinion, you’re doing it wrong. Or at least you’re not doing it Robert Lindsay style.