Politics Magazine

Game/PUA: The Latest Insult: “You’re an Incel!”

Posted on the 17 June 2018 by Calvinthedog

The latest idiotic Internet insult is “You’re an incel!” Even I am getting called an incel lately. That’s laughable because I am about as far from being an incel as a man gets.

There’s nothing new here. This bullshit has been going on forever now, and feminists have always specialized in the insult, “Obviously you can’t get laid!” It also takes other forms. “Neckbeard” means much the same thing. For some reason, it is always feminists and Cultural Left types who wield the “Obviously you can’t get laid”, neckbeard, and incel insults.

For some reason, rightwingers never say this. I suppose that’s because rightwingers don’t care whether some man gets women or not because after all, it’s not that important.

The stupid thing about this insult is that Cultural Left boneheads call every man they hate a neckbeard, incel, or insist, “Obviously you can’t get laid!” Of all the retarded things to say about a human being you don’t even know! Furthermore, this is always done on the Internet, when the Cultural Left types have never met the person and know nothing about him. They read his prose and decide he can’t get laid with God’s help!

I have been reading prose on the Internet for many years now. For the life of me, I have never run across male prose that indicates to me whether a man is successful with women or not. There is no “can’t get laid” style of writing. There’s no such thing! Unless the person is discussing sex, you have no idea if he’s a 50 year old incel or if he’s closing in on Wilt Chamberlain’s record.

Similarly, you can’t diagnose mental illness much less Asperger’s Syndrome on the Internet. I work in mental health. How the Hell can I look at someone’s prose or journalism on the Net and give them a DSM diagnosis? Yet every Cultural Left idiot on Earth can diagnose mental illness better than the finest clinicians – by merely reading a simple gleaning of someone’s prose! Such geniuses!

Of course Asperger’s Syndrome (the most overdiagnosed condition in history) cannot be diagnosed on the Net. Everybody thinks they can, and everyone is always diagnosing everyone else as an “Aspie.” It’s mostly Cultural Left types calling everyone they hate an Aspie. To say this isn’t very nice to Aspies is an understatement. But no clinician can possibly diagnose AS from a snippet of prose. How the Hell can Cultural Left scum outdiagnose the world’s finest diagnosticians?

This insult “Obviously you can’t get laid!” arises from the completely false feminist belief that all men who feminists consider to be misogynists (most of us) cannot possibly get laid. In other words, if you’re a misogynist, obviously you can’t get laid to save your life.

Now I have been observing the dating scene for decades, and one thing that is clear to me is that a lot of misogynistic men get tons of sex. Even the stereotypical bad boys who treat women like crap are well known to be drowning in pussy. Many though not all womanizers are definitely misogynists. The standard male advice about women, particularly from womanizers, is, “You gotta treat women like shit.” This is all pretty awful for those of us who want to be decent men because it seems like a requirement for a successful relationship with women is abusing them.

This goes along with the typical problem of nice guys, which feminists get all wrong.

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