Politics Magazine

Game/PUA: The Importance of a Sexy Voice

Posted on the 28 April 2013 by Calvinthedog

Do I sound like this guy?

A friend of mine said I sound like a “subdued James Spader” on the phone and in interviews. I had no idea who this guy is, so I had go check him out on Youtube. This clip is from Pretty in Pink (1986). Damn he is one sexy bastard, and I love his voice. If I talk like this motherfucker, I am one happy man.

What does your voice sound like? Has anyone ever given you feedback on your voice? I do think that voice is important to a man in terms of getting women and even getting along well with other guys. For a very long time, since I was 20 or so, women and girls have been telling me I have a sexy voice. I haven’t the slightest idea how I managed to do this, except maybe trying. I made as my heroes a number of my friends who were basically the biggest players that the Lord ever created on Earth, then I consciously went about adopting their personas and even voices.

I remember once I was trying to pick up this chick in Aspen, Colorado on a ski trip. I called her at her hotel room and one of her roommates picked it up. The chick said, “My roommate says you have a sexy voice.” If I want to try to develop that voice better, I just plug back into that that scene and recreate that voice, or I use other similar scenes in my past. I make it as synthetic as possible so it’s seems like a real channeling and not some sort of an act. This means it is part of your actual skin at this place and time and not some acting job where you are probably unsuccessfully trying to mine some buried memory deep in the rubbled past.

On the Net, I used to go into voice chatrooms and start talking to the room. Other folks are talking to the room too, so there is some competition going on. You need a mike to do this. A few times, I started talking to the room and women, often young women, would start typing, “I love Calvin’s voice!” “Damn, Calvin has a sexy voice!” and things like that (my handle was Calvin).

A sexy voice works both ways. If you always sound sexy, a lot of people are going to get annoyed. Specifically, many women you meet will think you are trying to pick up on them even when you are not. I unfortunately have to deal with this on a regular basis. I am not sure it is the voice bit or not but a lot of young women think I am trying to pick up on them even when I am not., and this causes problems.

A sexy voice is a good thing, and I think this might be overlooked in Game/PUA theory. But I am not sure. Do Game/PUA sites talk about the importance of a sexy voice?

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