Food & Drink Magazine

Funny Friends Who Can Cook Too!

By Yonni @vegandthecity
I think have no less than four friends named Stephanie, and I love them all, but the one who sent me this recipe is seriously one of the funniest people I have ever met.  She and I worked together for maybe 4 weeks tops.  She was moving to Chicago just as I started working in NYC, and she made me laugh harder on day 2 than most people have made me laugh in a lifetime!
In addition to being funny, she has spent a crazy amount of time learning about sustainable farming and agriculture, loves to cook and, fortunately for me (and now you), she loves my blog and sent me this raw, vegan recipe with rave reviews.  I just had to share...I left the directions in her words ~ I hope you enjoy!
4-6 organic sunchokes (I had small ones, so I opted for 6)
3/4 lemon
2-3 tbsp of chopped mint and basil (mixed together)
2 tbsp olive oil
sea salt and cracked pepper to taste
First, dice the heck out of that mint and basil, chop up the garlic extra-fine, and put it all in a glass bowl.
Then, quarter the lemon, and squeeze one of the quarters onto the mint/basil/garlic (it's like a garlic-herb ceviche, and garlic gets extra nutritional potency if it gets to sit chopped for a few minutes.)
Peel the Jerusalem artichokes/sunchokes one at a time, and then slice them thinly in rounds (about 1/16 - 1/8 inch "rounds," starting at head, going to tail).  You can also cut them in half lengthwise before doing this, if you want smaller pieces/better cutting balance.
After each two you add to the bowl, squeeze on at least a portion of one of the lemon quarters, to keep them from changing color.  
I was also adding tiny grinds of salt as I went, just to draw a little juice out, but I firmly believe that salting is a personal  choice.
Once you've added all of your chokes, pour in the olive oil, grind in your salt and pepper, stir it like you mean it, and start munching.
So crunchy!  So tangy!  So nutty!  

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