Politics Magazine

From the IWW to Genderqueer – the Transformation of the Left from Class War to Culture War

Posted on the 07 December 2013 by Calvinthedog

MrCain writes an excellent piece on Cultural Marxism, the death of the Left and merger of the Democratic and Republican Parties into two wings:

Liberal Republican Party: Corporatism, neoliberalism, imperial foreign policy and an emphasis on the upper classes combined with cutting edge Cultural Left and Identity Politics, some environmentalism and a generally more sane and sober view of things. Some gay, Black or Hispanic who wants to wallow in their identity and stick it to the workers and the poor quite happily joins this party. Neoliberalism + genderqueer. What could go wrong. Obviously from a progressive point of view, this is nearly worthless, as the Left is all about economics, not the accommodation of every weirdo, freak or dysfunctional minority that comes down the pike.

The Conservative Republican Party: Corporatism and neoliberalism, albeit in a much stronger form than the Liberal Republicans push, a radical near-Libertarian out and out dismantling of government, combined with the usual rightwing nuttery such as ludicrous paranoia of Communism, socialism and the economic Left, crazy conspiracy, exaggeration, lies, constant propaganda, racist dog whistles for bigoted White people, homophobia, misogyny and sexism, puritanism, Fundamentalist Christianity, jingoism, xenophobia, paranoia and hatred of the state itself.

A wildly imperial neoconservative and even openly neocolonialist foreign policy, a celebration of inequality, authoritarianism and police state tendencies combined with a bizarre fetish with arming ordinary citizens as if they were the an official army. Sheer contempt for workers and a warlike attitude towards labor unions. Hostility to consumers and contempt for environmentalism, a destructive attitude towards Gaia and our fellow creature, a celebration of pollution in every form and even apocalyptic manipulation of the Earth’s very climate itself. A head in the sand attitude towards and the future and a focus on immediate profits at the expense of all long=term goals.

A general backwards, retrogressive and Medieval tone and even a celebration of a primitive, Neandertal-like mindset. An all out class war designed to immiserate the working, lower and even middle classes and transfer their wealth and income upwards to the upper middle and upper classes A celebration of the market over all other human values to the point where it is the very reason for existence itself.

Obviously there is nothing for any sane human being to like in the latter, but if you differ with Cultural Marxist lunacy, idiocy and even depravity of the freak show called Cultural Marxism, you are cast out of the Democratic Party and thrown in with the Republican lions to be eaten in the Coliseum.

Or to put it another way:

The Democrats are corporatism and neoliberalism with Cultural Marxism.

The Republicans are corporatism and neoliberalism minus Cultural Marxism.

Not a lot for the sane and decent to choose.

Although I understand your point of view, I fear it does not include that of Republicans nor Tea Partiers themselves, which, quite indicative, you can’t find but in a different world. I could say Here I come, if I weren’t European.

Liberalism is as widespread as ever, one doesn’t need a strong sense of history to see what the press and the media infuse, and what the people think, say and do, in comparison to the 80′s and the 50′s. Off with all the rules! But as often, technical advance makes up the continued inequalities in welfare, and today, general decrease for the majority.

Definitions of the Left, Socialism, Communism vary from time, country and perspective. There used to be an era when most Marxists thought that the working class should get conscious, order itself with a party, start a revolution and take power to form a classless society. But this idea barely went past the Channel, let alone the Atlantic, where the power resides since WWII.

Meanwhile Marxists invented other domination theories such as feminism, Freudo-marxism (the sexual miseries ought to be solved with even more sexual freedom), and other what-is-it-under-your-belt-that-you-have obsessions which the old guard in the unions find increasingly dull, if not false. Except that any voiced criticism now brings them into right-wing populism.

Today’s ideological platform, and social structure of the Democratic party has little to do with equality. It is more of a cluster of minorities at war with each other to get the right to lecture everyone else about good and bad. They have completely replaced workers with post-materialists, and for a reason. Whether in Eastern, Western Europe, or Asia, workers refuse to uproot for the post-modern cattle-like way of life, and with time, communist parties would conform to this non-orthodox-Marxist reality.

Post-materialists on the contrary are more obedient: provided that you move to the right-of-center economically, they will snobbishly take up any social theory as being ‘progress’. Of course, a longer discussion on uncontrolled immigration or gay adoption will lead them to admit “it’s a very tricky issue”, but, they won’t admit they are wrong . . . how would they distinguish from the hayseed then?

It would be easier to explain things by recalling that those behind ‘cultural Marxism’ are the same breed that fled from Russia, Hungary or Poland as those countries inverted orthodox Marxism against them, ‘the rootless’.

To put it in one sentence, there has been a massive strategy change from Jews, which makes demonization of the most conservative the necessary driving force for the snobbish acceptance of what appears to be a demographic and moral revolution, both by the old guard (like you, who’s left with communitarianism) and the suburban capitalists.

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