Environment Magazine

Friends of Badgers Hack into NFU Mutual

Posted on the 11 June 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

from Bite Back



received anonymously: “NFU Mutual is the commercial arm of the National Farmers Union (NFU). They provide a huge part of the income for the NFU and enable it to be a lobbying powerhouse in UK politics. The funding they provide to the NFU is used to ensure that animal welfare regulations on farmers remain lax; that farmers continue to receive huge subsidies; that the horrific live export trade can continue and also ensure that they are able to get the government to allow them to persecute wildlife such as badgers in complete disregard to the law which has them as a protected species. The NFU and NFU Mutual are so closely linked that NFU reps are also sales agents for NFU Mutual. NFU Mutual makes the profit that greases the wheels of political lobbying to allow the slaughter of our innocent wildlife. Last September we decided to come out of our sett and get hacking NFU Mutual, our biggest target.

“Since the beginning of May we have exploited vulnerabilities on NFU Mutual systems to allow us to download almost all of their customer files including full financial details, claims and account history. Our access is so complete that we were able to make subtle modifications to the accounts of several people we know are involved in the badger cull.

“As more people are identified as being part of the badger cull we will exploit the details we have on them. We will show the same mercy to their finances that they show to the lives of badgers. We already have plans to use the details we have on some of the more high profile supporters of the cull.

“This is Bodger and Badger. NFU Mutual bodged their security and so we are now badgering them.

“Badgers have friends, and those friends are hackers.

“BrockCyberClan – saving wildlife one bit at a time.”

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