Lifestyle Magazine

Friday Favorites: Things Worth Repinning

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

adult sized teepee

( all I want for my birthday is this fabulous teepee )

MAN am I happy that this week has come to an end! I feel like I have been spending more than the usual amount of hours I normally do on the computer, and I am more than ready to put it down for some serious r&r. Whether it is working or blogging or searching, I am always on this damn computer, so much so it may soon become an appendage. Which is precisely why, once the weekend hits, I try to stay off of it as much as possible.

So, before I log off for a few days of complete rest… I am going to share with you some of my favorite things that I think are 100% Pinterest worthy.

Enjoy them, and when you are done, shut down your laptop and enjoy the beautiful outdoors!

Friday Favorites: Things Worth Repinning

skull purse

( this skull purse is too amazing for words )

fur hammock

( spoke too soon, I also want this fur hammock for my bday )

leather pants with slits

( thinking this will be a good DIY project for the future )

grilled cheese watermelon

( craving this summer snack )

lavendar hair

( wishing I could have lavender hair )

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