Hair & Beauty Magazine

Freshman Advice ♡

By Townhousepalette @townhousepal
Freshman Advice ♡
Freshman Advice ♡
Hello Everyone | With pain and suffering school around the corner, I thought I would share some advice about the notorious freshman school year. I am going into eleventh grade, so I am pretty self-qualified in the freshman advice department. So I hope this helps ^_^
You have gotten this feeling before // Remember when you were in fourth grade going on to fifth grade (sixth going onto seventh for some) and starting middle school. Though it is a different kind of school, you are basically going to school with the same people you did in middle school.
Calm yourself with your book bag // You might think you need everything on the first day of school, but you don't. All you basically need is a pencil and notebook because your teachers will tell you what you need. A lot of times freshman will have book bag's as long as the five dollar footlong from subway. Don't buy a ton of school supplies because you only need a few key things so pass the class. The older you get in H.S, the less you bring.
Lunch // If you don't have any friends in your lunch, try to find someone from any of your previous classes. Be honest and tell the people at the lunch table that you have no where to sit. If they are nice they will let you sit, but if they are mean; forget them! If they can't let in their lunch table on the first day of school, then smile, walk away, and find another table. Their lost!
Locker // Decorations: Honestly, leave them. A mirror is understandable, but keep that at the back of the locker. Not on the door. I find that my locker decorations are a hassle and everything falls out. I forget about dry erase boards and the ink drys on them making them useless. Locker Stops: Get a map of your school and make a route that passes your locker when going to a class. Lunch is no reason not to stop at your locker. Avoid the freshman backpack!
Gym // Get your gym/health/finance credits over with during your Freshman and Sophomore years! Other than that, keep wet wipes to clean yourself from sweat after gym. Apply perfume and you are good to go! Get a gym locker to keep your stuff there, so you do not have to lug it around.
Join a music or a sport //  This is how I made friends in High School ^_^ I am a complete fail at sports and I don't like them, so music was my next choice. Band is honestly life changing! I made so many friends, I get to go to football games, and get to do fun things with my section. Very rewarding!
Wear something nice, that you feel confident in // I did not feel confident on my first day of school freshman year in my outfit. If I could go back, I would slap myself in the face.
Treat others the way you want to be treated  // My biggest secret to making friends and getting respect. If you want a friend, be a friend. If you want to be heard, listen to others. Simple, but effective. I love being nice to people, so in return they are nice to me.
High School is not scary // Chuckie is scary, not High School! You will get more scared from homework, than the social setting. 
If you have social anxiety // I am not qualified to talk about this, but I think it will help some of you. Ask a friend to go to school with you, to help you keep calm. Also, ask them to walk you to your first class.
Go with the flow // Don't try to stop and talk to friends in a busy hallway, you will hated and be taken out by the crowd.
Time goes by fast! // Enjoy the experience with High School while it lasts. It goes by quick, so enjoy it. You will make friends and memories. Even if you hate your grade, cherish the people because High School might be the last place you will ever see them again.
Freshman Advice ♡
Still nervous? Check out Mandy's video ^_^
Thanks for reading-XOXO
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