I bet you thought this was a post about making bread, didn’t you? Nope. I don’t think I have worked my way up the cooking food chain far enough to tackle the mixing, rising, kneading, and baking of bread. If I were to make bread, I would want to spray it with lacquer and make it a shrine to my culinary abilities – NOT watch it be demolished by family members!
This post is about the best day to buy bread. Did you know that no matter what company, state or bakery bakes commercially sold bread (the sliced kind like Rainbo) they use specific color bread twist ties to determine what day of the week it was baked? It is a bit like the chocolate factories where they use special curlicues on the top of the candy to show what the inside holds. While these flourishes vary a little from chocolatier to chocolatier bread is universal.
Looking at the picture above, you can use this key to determine bread baking day:
Blue – Monday
Green – Tuesday
Red – Thursday
White – Friday
Yellow – Saturday
Bread is apparently not baked on Wednesday or Sunday. I keep my list in the back of my wallet in my purse. If I am in the store on Saturday, I look for white or yellow twist ties in order to maximize the longevity of the loaf. Doing this has kept our home in fresh bread for years.
I’ll be adding to my “Collections” page later this afternoon. I have two items to make and photograph for the blog first. See ya soon!!
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