No nausea, not even a little! It has taken us 2 nights and 3 full days to get from Fancois to Lunenburg. We had calm conditions which were good for my stomach but no so good for the sailing. We were downwind whole time and were only able to sail for 20% of the time but when we did we flew our code zero sail and were flying. 6 knots apparent wind and 7 knots SOG (speed over ground). The girls were bouncing off the walls the first day but got wore out and have been great ever since. We’ve been coloring, painting, playing with jigsaw puzzles and of course there’s always the classic Disney movies. We would love to say that are those parents that don’t let their kids watch tv while onboard but we need our sanity especially when we only get 6 hours sleep a night. When the baby takes a nap we put on a movie for the girls and this allows us to actually hang out in the cockpit and have an adult conversation. The girls also have a bunch of phonics and math apps on their ipads that they’re allowed to play with during “quiet time”.
So I’ve put it down to Fenurgreek causing my seasickness. I’ve gone off the supplements (it helps increase my milk supply for breastfeeding) for about a week now and nothing, not even a twinge of nausea. I even ate icecream on my night watches. Sweet! I could be cured!
We are approximately 6 hours out of Lunenburg as I write this, I can’t wait to get in and turn off our loud engine. The noise and vibration is wearing me down. I’m also sick of yelling at everyone, the motor is killing my soul.

We are running extremely low on food so we have been eating the basics. Pasta, jar alfredo sauce and frozen veges. We have no fresh produce and no bread left. We could still survive for a few weeks on canned vegetables, beans, pasta and homemade bread but we’ll definitely hit the grocery store in Nova Scotia.

I caught Pri giving Wags a haircut under a sheet yesterday. Thanks Pri now Wags looks like a punk rocker! I’ll have to email the professionals (Mum and sisters - all hairdressers) to see how to fix this one.