Hair & Beauty Magazine

Fragrance This Friday | Launch of "Engage" Deos to Engage Deodorant Lovers

By Shoppingaholic @shoppingaholicc


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I am a lover of fragrances - the nice ones of course. So, I am all set to try Engage deos, not only because they are deodorants but also because this range has already been tried by my sisters and they love "Tease" in yellow bottle. I am yet to check out though. Let's see what ITC has to say about "Engage" deos!
Rush (Male) & Blush (Female), Mate (Male) & Spell (Female) and Urge (Male) & Tease (Female)
nnovative packagin
Priced at Rs. 160 for a 165 ml bottle, the complete range of Engage is available at all leading retail outlets in India. 
Fragrance This Friday

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