We enjoyed our day on Fogo Island today even with the on again off again rain. We walked into town with poor Carl carrying our laundry in two big ikea bags. First stop Laundromat. There was only one washer and dryer so it was going to be an all day affair. The lady who ran the Laundromat and tanning salon was in and said that she would look into a taxi for us. So down the road we walked to the local Café. Next thing we knew the waitress said that the woman from the Laundromat had called (how did she know we were there? small towns!) and her father was going to loan us his truck for the day to see some sights. Now how nice is that??? We drove all around the island which is a lot bigger than we thought, lots of little towns. Checked out some history on the place, found a playground, strolled through a historical house, did some grocery shopping, clothes shopping (needed socks) and back to the café for dinner – we were splurging.
At the café we noticed a stray cat with all her little kittens. We asked the Café owner who's cat it was and she said that she was feral and that we should catch a kitty and take it home. NO WAY!! But the more we thought of it the more we warmed to the idea of having a kitty onboard. We went back with a net, Carl went around the back and I was to approach from the front so Carl could net one. No such luck, they were gone due to the rain. What a bummer. They have a pretty back stray cat problem on the island and the council catches and kills them. It would have broken my heart to take a kitty away from its mumma but if we were saving a life it would be ok. Ahh well little Fogo kitty, we tried.