Life Coach Magazine

Five Reasons You Should Never Skip a Pap Smear Test

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

Five Reasons You Should Never Skip a Pap Smear Test

Every woman over the age of twenty-one or younger women who are sexually active should be having a pap smear test once every three years at least. However, for most women, it’s the appointment that you have been dreading. There’s no doubt that pap smears can get a little awkward, but they are actually one of the most vital health check-ups when it comes to ensuring that you are well.  Pap smear tests help to discover any abnormalities in the cervical and pelvic area, which could be anything from a minor infection to cervical cancer – and as with any health condition, the sooner it is found the better. Here are just some of the top reasons why you should put off putting off your smear.

It Could Save Your Life

Quite literally, going for your pap smear test could save your life. Many women don’t realize this, but some symptoms of serious diseases such as cervical cancer can go unnoticed for a long time, and avoiding your pap smear test will take away your chances of having any symptoms which you might have discovered early. There are countless stories of women who assumed they were healthy attending a pap smear test only to discover that they needed treatment for a serious condition.

Prevent Cancer

Pap smear tests don’t only discover cancerous cells, they can also identify any abnormal cells which have the potential to turn cancerous. Because of this, attending your pap smear test appointment could prevent you from developing cervical cancer in the future.

Prevent Cervical Cancer Infographic
Courtesy of the CDC.Gov #CervicalCancer is no joke! Get your #girlyparts checked annually! #womenshealthClick To Tweet

Pelvic Exam

A lot of women think that the pap smear test is all about checking for cancerous and abnormal cells, but there’s actually a lot more to it. You’d be forgiven if during all of the poking and prodding you’re not sure what is going on, but the doctor or gynecologist also performs a full pelvic exam, looking for any issues with your reproductive system and pelvic area in general. This can help to catch early infections and ensure that you’re in good shape which is essential especially if you plan to try to conceive.

Breast Exam

During a pap smear test, many doctors also offer you the option to have a breast examination as well in order to check for any abnormalities in breast tissue and other lumps and bumps. Although it’s important that you perform regular breast examinations yourself, it’s good to have a doctor do it for you from time to time just in case their trained medical professional can pick up on anything you’ve missed.

Preventative Care

So many women are waiting until something is wrong, only then beginning to do something about it. Regular pap smear test attendance ensures that you have access to preventative care, which can help you to avoid getting infections or other more serious diseases. You will also have access to valuable advice from your doctor such as issues on how best to care for yourself and birth control, for example.

Want more information on women’s healthcare, pap smear tests and the menopause? Visit

Disclosure: This article is written by or on behalf of our Sponsor and not by The My Girly Parts Team. 

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Five Reasons You Should Never Skip a Pap Smear Test

Brenda Pace

I have over 28 years as an Administrative Assistant, including at the Executive Level. I also have over 5 years experience as a Content Writer, Webmaster, Web Designer, and Social Media Promoter. If you're in need of assistance, please Send me an email and let me know how I can help.
Five Reasons You Should Never Skip a Pap Smear Test

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