Gardening Magazine

First Zucchini, First Tomatoes.

By Scarecrow
November 2011 Week 2:
First Zucchini, First Tomatoes.It's great having Lavender
growing under the clothes line...
...but it needs to be kept pruned
so we can hang the clothes out!!!
Weather highlights:
Cooler, calmer days after the storms time to get out and plant and weed...before the next lot of weeds grow up.
By the weekend the temperature was 35C with strong, hot northerly winds blowing...more heat is forecast so it's time to get the shadecloth up.
Propagation: Seeds:
Cucumber Cucumis sativus -
Bushy The Lost Seed
Italian Non Acid Cornucopia Seeds
Suyo Long The Lost Seed
Direct sown Squash Acorn Table Queen in bed 3 MVG
Beans Dwarf Tongues of Fire in Bed 7 MVG Replacing some the slugs ate!
Beans Runner Scarlet Emperor into Bed 9 MVG additional to the seedlings as they are not growing well.
Seedlings potted up from seeds sown 29/10/11:
Amaranth Leaf
Basil Purple
Basil Large Sweet Italian
Black Cumin
Californian Poppy
Lettuce Gloria
Lettuce Goldrush
Sorrel Garden
Potting on Plants/Cuttings:
Tansy Tanacetum vulgare
Thyme Pizza Thymus nummularius
Thyme Silver Posy Thymus vulgaris argenteus
Blue Ginger Alpinia caerulea
Ginger Zingiber officinale
Planting out:
First Zucchini, First Tomatoes.Tamarillo Tree Cyphomandra betacea
Planted into the Old Chook Run Garden:
Washington Naval Orange Tree
Tamarillo Tree (Tree Tomato) Cyphomandra betacea
Squash Acorn Table Queen x 2 seedlings from seeds 29/08/11 planted into MVG Bed 3
Tansy cuttings into the edge beds in MVG (Main Vegetable Garden)
Gourd Large Mixed Seedlings from seed sown 28/08/11 planted into Bed 7 MVG
It sure feels like summer is here already!!
First Zucchini, First Tomatoes.With day time temperatures rising
the cherries are starting to color up
so it's time to get a net over them to keep the birds off.
First Zucchini, First Tomatoes.Some of the large Tomatoes are flowering
First Zucchini, First Tomatoes.Ida Gold are ripening and first ones have been picked!
First Zucchini, First Tomatoes.First Rondo De Nice Zucchini weighed in at 330g!
First Zucchini, First Tomatoes.Grapes are flowering
and we are winning the battle with
the Grapevine Moth caterpillar Phalaenoides glycinae
by picking them off daily.
First Zucchini, First Tomatoes.After the rain the Faverolles enjoyed
a dustbath in the cool soil.

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