Politics Magazine

First World Problem of the Day

Posted on the 01 May 2016 by Calvinthedog


It can’t get a bank account because it can’t make up its mind about whether it’s a boy or a girl. It insists that it’s not a boy, and it’s not a girl either. It was born a girl, but now it calls itself non-binary genderqueer, whatever that means. Apparently it retains a female body. It also can’t go to college because you can’t go to college unless you check either male or female on the form. If you’re a human, you are not allowed to be a Thing. You have two choices: you are either a Male or you are a Female, one or the other. You gotta make up your mind.

I am not sympathetic to this confused teenage girl at all. It’s pretty damn dykey, but that’s not unknown or unheard of nowadays. But even dykes for the most part still claim they are womyn. In fact, a lot of them, like the lesbian-feminist idiots, shout that they are wimmin to the skies. This thing can’t make up it’s mind and claims either not a boy and not a girl, or else maybe it is a boy and a girl at the same time, or maybe it is a boy on Tuesdays but a girl on Sundays. You get the picture.

Yes there have always been sexual perverts, deviants and freaks among us, but people mostly used to keep this crap to themselves. Now they’re right out in the open, demanding that we not just tolerate their weirdness but that we actually cheer for them.

This seems like some teenage temper tantrum. “Waah! The world won’t go along with my crazy ideas!” This is what happens when you never say no to your kids. They grow up like this.

The Cultural Left thinks that just because you say you are something, that’s actually what you are. But psychiatry and philosophy would argue otherwise. There is a psychiatric case record of a man who insisted he was a lion, despite much evidence to the contrary. He was diagnosed with Delusional Disorder, which was a correct diagnosis. I suppose SJWtards would insist that this guy really is a lion or something like that.Bull.

You can stick feathers up your butt and cluck, but that doesn’t make you a chicken. Someone ought to tell these SJW idiots that.

No sympathy for this girl! It’s a teenager trying to get attention.

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