Fika is located in the basement of Design House on Dawson Street.

Pretty little outside area which catches the sun nicely.

There's room for two people to sit outside.
The interior, while small, is superbly finished. An array of timbers have been used, the focal piece being the counter, which M thinks is Olive Ash. This beautiful wood is used sparingly throughout the cafe and overall it's a Spartan little place with seating inside for only four. Even the clock is completely pared back!

Coffee O'Clock
Flavourwise I'm more used to my Nepresso Fortissimo Lungo and here the Roasted Brown espresso blend tends more towards the bitter end of the coffee spectrum so I opted to have mine as an americano which was really enjoyable. M stuck with espresso and it arrived, Italian style, with a glass of water to cleanse the palette.

M's espresso served the Italian way.

My americano.

M's went for the chocolate overkill with a brownie and a yummy chocolate bonbon.

Raspberry and coconut Bakewell tart.

Other sweet goodies on offer.
As the name suggests there are plenty of sweet things to snack on as you drink your coffee. The brownie and raspberry muffins sounded good, as did the biscuit cake but in the end M opted for the chocolatiest brownie in the world and me for a delicious Bakewell tart.

Pretty counter made from Olive Ash.

The minimalist design suits the place just right.
Fika is definitely worth dropping into for your morning jolt of caffeine or an afternoon pick-me-up! The staff are really friendly (they don't mind crazy people taking pictures of everything) and overall the place has a lovely chilled out feeling. So... when are you going for a fika?Fika 43 Dawson StreetDublin 2 Website