Politics Magazine

Feminut Brainwashing in Australia

Posted on the 15 October 2016 by Calvinthedog


There’s not going to be any end to this. Third wave feminism was bad enough, and now we are in 4th wave, and I have no idea even what that is.

I actually like some 2nd wave feminists. No really, I do. Sex-positive feminism, one of the only useful feminist currents, came directly out of the Second Wave and the Porn Wars. I understand that Jezebel is officially sex-positive, and I have never found that site to be anti-men. They’re anti-asshole, but that’s not the same thing as being anti-men. I always thought I could make alliance with Jezebel types. They seem like they like cock too much to hate men.

This has been the fatal downfall of many a feminist – they need the dick. The more of a cock addict you are, and it’s worse if you’re strictly dickly as so many women really are if you get right down to it, the more that is just going to pull you away from the really nutty feminism right there.

Let’s face it, feminism is man-hatred. They scream and yell, “They say we all hate men! It’s not true!” Well, you know why we say that? Because so many of you are, really, truly and objectively, man-haters by any stretch of the imagination.

Even more accurate is to say that feminism plugs in to the anger and resentment many ordinary straight non-misandrist women feel towards men. Most women have some sort of anger and resentment towards men and vice versa. It’s fairly normal, and it’s called the War of Sexes.

The problem is that feminism plugs right into whatever lingering anger and resentment any particular woman has towards men, and almost all have some. Even with women I have known fairly well, I see their faces harden and become colder when feminism is brought up. They take positions that are deliberately designed to privilege women and screw over men. I point this out, and they shrug their shoulders. So what! It’s paybacks! Feminism is all about paybacks and revenge against the men. Well screw that. I’m a man, and the Hell if I am going to support you attacking me legally and societally by taking revenge on me.

My message to feminists if you want men to quit calling you man-haters, how bout if you quit hating men so much? I mean, just for starters?

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