Politics Magazine

Feminist Fools Lying About Rape Like They Always Do

Posted on the 21 December 2018 by Calvinthedog


Paranoid feminist victim addicts and scaremongers like to throw around a lot of scary quotes about rape.

One is that one in five women get raped in a lifetime.

Another is that one in five college students get raped during their time at college. The figures are the same, which makes no sense.

The real figures are much lower. One study found that 2.3% of women get raped while they are at college. Another found that only .2% get raped while they are at college.

The 20% is fake because it includes the feminist mystery casserole crime called sexual assault, which is pretty much anything.

Ever grabbed a woman’s ass? Ever pinched a woman’s butt? Ever rubbed up against a woman? Ever banged up against a woman? Ever grabbed a woman in the pussy?

All of these extremely common behaviors committed by both males and females are technically sexual assault.

Yes, women and girls do it too. You know how many times females have laid hands on me? How many times they have bumped up against me? How much times they have crashed into me or rubbed up against me? How many times they have tried to grab my cock? I can’t even count the number of times females did this to me. Most of it was when I was a young man and it hardly happens anymore, but it still happens once in a while.

I had dinner with a couple I am friendly with several years ago. During the dinner, their knockout 15 year old daughter kept rubbing her leg against my leg for the whole meal. I let her do it. She can have her kicks. Hopefully it’s not molesting to let a girl do that and fail to stop her, right? By the way I was almost 60 years old at the time.

On a date? Another definition of sexual assault is “dating.” During dating, you have to make moves on the female.

You start touching her. You put your arm around her. You hold her hand. You put your hand on her leg. You rub her arm with your fingertips. You lean over and kiss her. Or if you are feeling really confident, you just jump her and start kissing her like crazy. You grab her and shove her up against the wall and kiss her really hard.

I’ve been doing all of these things since I was a teenager, and I get away with it almost all the time. They usually just go for it. If she doesn’t like it or pushes you away, you should probably stop bugging her.

Anyway, every time I did one of those acts without getting permission beforehand I committed sexual assault. After she acquiesced and went for it, it wasn’t sexual assault anymore, but in the instant I did it before she acquiesced, it was assault for sure. And those times she pushed me away or said no, that was absolutely sexual assault. I had no idea sexual assault could be so much fun!

So you see how easy it is to commit sexual assault. Any man who is reasonably successful with females is going to be coming sexual assault as described above most of this life.

A lot of men don’t read women right to figure out if it’s ok to get physical (I’m an expert), so they get physical with females who don’t want to get physical. Every time that happens, it’s sexual assault. Considering how ubiquitous sexual assault is in human life, especially among the young, I’m amazed that only 20 % of women get sexually assaulted in college. It should be 90%. You need to up your game, college boys!

No one is quite sure how many women get raped in a lifetime. If we count real deal rape and not sexual assault stuff as described above, the numbers are not high. One figure is that 2.3% of women get raped in a lifetime. I figure the real figure is higher. Maybe it is 15-20%. But most of that is nonviolent date rape or acquaintance rape with a man she is dating, a boyfriend, or even a husband. It’s not a good thing to have happen to you, but as Germaine Greer pointed out, it’s usually not the end of the world.

Feminists always throw around the figure that only 2-8% of rape cases are false reports. The figure is almost surely false. Hell, I’ve been falsely accused of rape myself once. By a 14 year old girl, too.

The truth is that 90% of rape cases reported to police are “junk” and no arrest is made. About half of these cases, the woman can’t her story straight. She’s all over the place. Ladies, if you can’t keep your story straight, your rape case goes nowhere.

The other half are a girlfriend or wife accusing a live in boyfriend or husband of rape in the context of heavy drinking and often drug use. Obviously cases like this are so murky that police just throw up their hands.

If you ever hear feminist scare figures about how only 3% or whatever small figure of rape cases result in perpetrator being imprisoned, there’s part of your reason right there. 900 out of every 1,000 rape cases are trash right from the get-go!

The FBI says that 8% of rape cases are false, but that figure seems wrong. In the 1960’s, it was 20%. In the 1970’s it was 15%. By the 1980’s, it had dropped to 10%. The figure keeps crashing in tandem with the feminist takeover of our society. There’s no reason for it to crash like that.

The true false rape report figure is quite high. A study done in the late 1970’s in a small US metropolitan area showed that fully 41% of all rape cases reported to police are false reports. The same team did a follow-up study a decade later on two Midwestern university campuses and found that 50% of all rape reports were false. Campus police who formerly worked at US universities in the last couple of decades say they were inundated with false rape reports.

Most tellingly of all, testing of rape kits show that fully 1/3 of rape kits show no match with the suspect. That is, the DNA in the rape kit does not match the man who the woman says raped her. She could be lying. Perhaps it’s a case of mistaken identity. Who knows? But fully 1/3 of all rape cases are false right out the door by the rape kit evidence. From these three studies we can conclude that 33-50% of all rape reports or false, either made up or cases of mistaken identity.

The 2-8% figure lies in the dust. 

Rape is a male problem, right? Nope. Fully 41% of male rape victims say they were raped by a woman.

Both men and women in prisons report being sexually abused by female prison guards more than by male prison guards.

The much-taunted rape culture of the US seems to not only be overblown, but worse, it probably doesn’t even exist at all.

You want a rape culture? Go to Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Sweden, Egypt, South Africa, Zaire. There’s your rape culture. Not here.

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