TJF: To Rob:
The West is under female rule..? Not sure if I understand, what are you labeling as female rule aside from some rules passed on college campuses regarding consent…?
Look! Female Rule is feminism! Female Rule occurs when feminists gain so much power that they can start imposing their rules and laws on society. Female Rule is Feminism in Power, period.
Female Rule is imposing rules and laws on society that are based on the rules and mores of women and against those of men. We have generally had Male Rule because male rules and mores at best are at least sensible, but they don’t lead to this World of Justice that women want and demand because life is messy, unfair and often cruel with no legal or societal repercussions for this nastiness.
The crazy Consent Rules came about because women are determined to stop date rape on campus. Thing is you cannot stop it. Date rape will go on. And it is almost impossible to prosecute. This is a horribly unfair thing. But men will just shrug and say life is imperfect and unfair.Yet women will try to create a Just World when there is no such thing and there probably cannot ever be such a thing.
First women tried “No means no!.” That’s not even true for starters, but to women it made a lot of sense, and they took it up as a Female Rule mantra. Well, “no is no” did not stop date rape because women were too stupid to make the rule work. Turns out that women are so dumb that a lot of times when they didn’t want to have sex, they were too frightened or frozen or whatever to say no. So they said nothing and the sex went forward. However it was rape because the man could not read her mind to determine that she was not willing even though she never said no. This led to the lunatic “silence is not consent” bullshit that has taken campuses by storm. Men are now expected to be mindreaders.
Because “no is no” was such a miserable failure, women upped the ante to “Affirmative Consent” which has got to be the most insane sexual rule ever imposed by humanity in its history. That’s not working well either as a lot of men are just bailing out of sex altogether rather than negotiate that minefield and women are complaining that men won’t ask them out.
This is the way women try to solve problems. Men just shrug their shoulders and say, “What are you going to do? Life’s not fair. We can’t solve every problem. Some problems cannot be solved. Some problems are best dealt with outside the structures of administrative law and the judicial system.
In the UK and in parts of the US, there are now major moves to make it illegal to have sex with a woman who is intoxicated. I have asked some women about this and they get those hard faces and say that if she’s drunk or loaded, you can’t have sex with her. Well that ends 50% of the sex in the US, as that’s how much is done under the influence. Once more, it’s women trying to solve an unsolvable problem, that of women getting so wasted that they are blacked out and then they have sex against their will. This is an unsolvable problem. It can be solved by women refusing to get blackout drunk, but women won’t do that, so the problem goes on.
Indeed. But those campus rules are very important. They are spreading across to many other states now. And you are guilty until proven innocent. This is another aspect of Female Rule because women don’t believe in fairness or fair fighting.
The lunatic Pedophile Mass Hysteria that has conflated statutory rape with pedophilia and child molesting was caused by Female Rule. The new Creeper Mass Hysteria in which all men who women are not attracted to are labeled creeps and society agrees was also a creation of Female Rule. Female Rule has also created a situation whereby men are being charged with child molesting for having sex with underage girls who lied about their age. Incidentally, this is a mitigating factor in federal law but not in states’ laws.
Female Rule created the craziness that says that if a US man goes overseas, if he has sex with one under 18 year old girl one time, he has broken US child molestation law, even if he comes from a state where the age of consent is 15.
Female Rule created the sheer idiocy of domestic abuse law where a woman was able to hit me or try to hit me 35-400 times in one night, and I hit her back once and according to Female Rule, I would have had to go to jail. I just barely avoided going to jail that night. Female Rule says any time a man hits a woman, even in self-defense, he’s going to jail. Under Female Rule, you can’t even fight back if a woman hits you, and they hit us all the time now as Female Rule has emboldened them and encouraged them to bring out the innate but suppressed basic insanity and indulge it as much as possible.
Female Rule created idiotic child support laws that throw men in jail for nonpayment even if they are unemployed or disabled. Many homeless men have gone to jail for nonpayment of child support. You can’t make payments if you’re broke!
Female Rule created the lunacy of sexual harassment law which has now spread across the land according to which apparently if I ask any woman at work for her phone number, or ask her out, or make funny comments, or God forbid even look at her too much, I can be fired for sexual harassment. Sexual harassment law, creep-shaming and Feminism’s general hatred for men expressing sexual interest in females at all in any way has led to a lot of men becoming very shy around women for fear of being called a “creep.” There are university campuses where women are openly complaining that men won’t ask them out anymore. It’s because of Female Rule which has made them afraid to even flirt with women.