Life Coach Magazine

February 23, 2016 – Tuesday’s Training Report

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

Hey guys!  I’m officially in Week 3 training for the 2016 Cleveland Rite Aid Marathon Challenge Series in Cleveland, Ohio.  Like I told you before, all of the races in the series take place over the weekend of May 14-15, 2016.  If you haven’t signed up for the race yet, you can still get some great pricing on it so be sure to sign up soon!!

….and once I get home from the Cleveland race, I’ll be starting a training plan all over again to prepare for the fall Florida race season, which includes the Myakka River Half Marathon here in Sarasota, Florida. Make sure you find them on Facebook since they’re always offering a great pricing deal for their race too!

Okay so it is Tuesday so it’s time to give you a report. Unfortunately, it’s going to be kind of short since I’m pressed for time – no, not really, it’s because I didn’t run a whole lot this week.


Monday – rest day

Tuesday – should have run 2 miles

Wednesday – should have run 3 miles

Thursday – ran 2 miles (14:10 / 14:02)

Friday i- rest day

Saturday – ran 3 miles (14:38 / 14:22 / 14:05)

Okay so that is the report for this week. It wasn’t where it was supposed to be but I’m hoping I’ll get more into a routine and it’ll get better. I’ll touch back next Tuesday to let you know how Week 4 goes!


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