Well…. today’s Tuesday, time for an updated training report….
Before I get to training, I have a confession that’s weighing me down – okay, well the confession isn’t weighing me down, my weight is. At this very moment, I am at the heaviest weight that I’ve been at in the last 15 years. The purpose for this confession? Part of it is to help me with accountability, I guess. I want to stay on track with my commitment and I want a good result. In order to improve my speed and stamina, I need to lose weight, and I need to start now (which I have).
So – as I said last week, I started the year over again this month. I’m calling January my practice run for the new year and I’m taking it seriously. This weekend I put in 2 miles, and today I put in another 2 miles. I realize I have to start out with smaller mileage so I don’t get injured before I have a chance to increase my time, so I”m just going to stay on track.
As most of you know, I am a Cleveland Marathon Race Ambassador. I’ve signed up to do the 8k on Saturday, May 14 and the Half Marathon on Sunday, May 15. That gives me about 3-1/2 months to pull it together and finish strong! (As an aside for any of you Cleveland runners, I’ll be doing a giveaway soon for a race registration, but if you want to get registered now, feel free to use the link HERE.)
My training plan right now is to run 3-4 times per week slowly increasing mileage (and hopefully losing weight and improving speed at the same time). I’ve already talked to a good friend and we are going to pick up a local Yoga class once a week. Ideally, like Jill, one of my fellow Cleveland Marathon Ambassadors, I’d like to pick up a Zumba class down a road a bit. I’ll have to look into that a little more first.
Okay, I’ll check back next Tuesday and let you know how the plan is coming along!
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